
UK Market Charity Golf Day
sponsored by

Friday 12th September 2025
Walton Heath Golf Club, Old Course

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We are delighted to be able to return to Walton Heath Golf Club for our 2025 event, generously sponsored by Aon and we thank them for their support.

The Charitable Trust has continued to provide scholarships to students studying for careers in our industry and has provided the first four scholarships to Students studying Risk Management, Finance and Insurance at Glasgow Caledonian University; we have initially committed to the next three years and twelve additional scholarships at GCU.

During March 2025, the Trust will be providing opportunities for the current scholarship recipients to visit the London Insurance Market. All would welcome Internships for the Summer 2025!

Your support is allowing us to sponsor an increasing number of young people (many from low income or underprivileged backgrounds) with an interest in forging a career in insurance and risk management. Thank you!

As always, we would ask that you donate generously, both through your participation in the golf event and through the donation of raffle and auction prizes, to allow us to continue to achieve our fundraising goals for the student scholarships and educational support.

We are looking forward to welcoming you again to Walton Heath on Friday 12th September to commemorate our friends and associates who were lost in 9/11 and at the same time give new momentum to the scholarships and awards to young people embarking on their first steps into our industry.

Thank you for your support.

Mike Hammond  |  Richard Dudley  |  Catherine French
Mark Gregory  |  Douglas Markey  |  Tim Pritchard


The London Insurance Market Charitable Trust (Registered Charity No.1190714)
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